℅M²UN1C@10N – training course

9-14 IX 2019: 6 day training course in Poland, 20-23 X 2019 : 4 day implementation & evaluation  meeting in Italy

Experiential learning and outdoor education are the main methods used during the training targeting primarily youth and social workers and educators.

Project has a two parts:

#1 is a 6-days residential training course aimed at exploring following topic in the field of youth work: communication styles, non-violent communication as a method to improve cooperation between young people, NLP, effective communication, The Scale of Cooperation model, outdoor environment as a contextof communication. This part will take place in Międzywody, next to a small village in ventral of Poland, from the 9th to the 14th of September 2019 (travel days excluded).

#2 is a 4-days follow-up meeting looking for a direct application of mentioned topics in educational activities. Beetwen two parts, participants would have some task and suport for individual and grolupu earning. We are going to meet in Milano, big city in north part of Italy, from the 20th to 23td of October 2019 (travel days excluded).  

Project will involve 15 participants and 3 trainers from different European countries; Poland, Italy, Romania, Latvia, Netherlands, Portugal.

The working language will be English.


•to explore your communication styles, behaviours and practices

•to explore the possibilities offered by games nad activities to inclusion and non-violent communication

•to empower and endow educators, trainers, youth and social workers and leaders with applicable tools to increase young people’s participation to community life, reduce radicalization and xenophobia and promote a less violent socjety

•learn how to cooperate effectively in an international team

•become a better and more confident team players

•grow cross-cultural awareness

•learn how to prepare and conduct a communication based workshop for youth

Available downloads:

Participation fee

-a non-refundable PARTICIPATION BOND of 30€ to be paid by bank transfer after selection before the start of the training course or as a deduction from travel reimbursement;

-a PARTICIPATION FEE – to be paid in cash during the training course – on a sliding scale from 130 PLN to 300 PLN. Participants will be free to choose their contribution according to their own personal financial possibilities and the value they see in this programme.

Accommodation and food

The project has been financed by the Erasmus+ programme. The costs related to accommodation and food will be completely covered by the hosting organisation.