Get up to 80% scholarship and sail with us!

Dear friends, We have a some space left in our self-developmen, tall ship vouyage. We have to pay for a ship anyway so we don`t want to pay for empty beds. We decided to subsidited places for experiential education trainers from Europe, interested in networking and being part in this experience. Subsidation could be from 10% up to 80% (then price for a vouyage is only 100 euro). Participant has to cover their travel cost to Poland, Genua or Munch (wherever he/she wants to jump in). Here is how it works:

  • The whole process is based on trust.
  • Applicants should be willing and able ‘to share and contribute’ in English.
  • Applicants are asked to contribute by offering a workshop. Alternative ways of contributing are listed below.

Conditions: 1) Applicants should work or live in Europe 2) Apply by email (, answering to the following questions:

  • Please describe your experience in ‘experiential education’.
  • Why are you applying for scholarship? Please describe your economic circumstances.
  • What percentage of subsidy do you apply for?
  • What contribution would you like to make, and please describe it:

+ workshop + slide show + being a photographer or social media promoter of vouyage + other, please specify:

  • What would be the benefit for you in attending the expedition?

Timeline: Application deadline is NOV 11, 2019, but you are encouraged to apply as soon as possible in order to benefit from low cost travel as well as the chance of subsidization. For any questions or doubts contact us. Please share this opportunity in your organization.