We help refugees from Ukraine


Since 24th February 2022, the day Russia invaded Ukraine, an estimated +10 millions Ukrainians left their homes to flee zones directly affected by fighting or to escape potential war that could come to their regions. UNHCR estimates that 6m people are now dislocated within Ukraine (most escaped from the East to the West of the country) and 4.1m left to neighbouring states. Of 4.1 millions international refugees Poland welcomed more than 2 millions people, by far the largest part of the fleeing Ukrainian population. During most intense days of 5-7th March, around 150’000 people crossed the border daily and as of today – around 20’000 new immigrants still arrive every day. Around 90% of refugees are women and children (Ukraine banned men aged 18 to 60 from leaving the country).

March 2022

In March 2022 we opened our headquater space to our Ukrainian guests so that they could have some tea, hot dish, spent time in a welcoming place, fill in documents or any other support they need. The kids were taken care of by our volunteers.

Based almost entirely on work and funding from volunteers we provided:

  • Safe haven and free café for women with children
  • Play area for children
  • Help with translations into Polish and English
  • Support with administrative forms for visas and Polish social security applications
  • Free document printing
  • Free ID photos (required with some applications)
  • Free internet access with few (old) laptops for use
  • Networking point to meet and exchange ideas for job and home search

What next?

Now it is time for a step further. Our guest need to establish their new life here, in Poland.  We are organizing a co-working space for Ukrainian combined with free daycare for their kids. We are opening “PoPracownia” project. PoPracownia is a co-working space where our Ukrainian guests can work and have their kids taken care of free of charge. That is exactly what they need in Poland to start a new life here.

We want to give them necessary equipment such as access to Internet and computer, printer, coffee, tea and snacks. There will also be a Polish host ready to provide support of any kind. Moreover, our volunteers and animators will take care of the kids – organize outdoor activities, workshops or arts and crafts.

As the funds of the NGO are scarce and a lot of resources are now used by and for the refugees, we are looking for donation to:

  • Ensure full operation during work week (Mon till Fri, 9am to 6pm) for next 3 months (April – June)
  • Employ one paid employee to be dedicated to coordination of volunteers and purchasing of required materials
  • Order high speed internet connection for multiple wifi connections (laptops and phones of refugees visiting the Studio)
  • Order modern printer for larger printing volumes
  • “Build” few dedicated internet stations / desks
  • Organize supervised activities for children (if possible, in Ukrainian or Russian)
  • Purchase food and drinks for the free refugee café.

We need to take care about ourselfs too!

Poles are very much tired by the weeks of bottom-up aid without state funds and state coordination. Further such action may have serious consequences for our health. The volunteers team will be prepared by professionals to avoid burnout and equip them with necessary skills and provide supervision.

What do we need?

Goal 1: PoPracownia for 1 month 14 000 PLN ~3 000 euro

That is a minimal cost of functioning of this space for one month. The money will be spent on basic preparation of the space, employing a coordinator, volunteers will receive basic training and supervision.

Goal 2: PoProcownia for 3 months 42 000 PLN ~9 000 euro

The guests will be able to use the space for three months, plan regular visits. The volunteers will work regularly, a local community will be created around our space.

Goal 3: PoPracownia with lunch for every guest 123 600 PLN ~27 000 euro

Apart from what is described above, all the guests will be able to enjoy a hot, high quality meal every day.

Goal 4: PoPracownia with education and arts 162 000 PLN ~35 000 euro

To the basic program of PoPracownia we add language, arts, nature daily workshops that will support their integration in new situation and Polish society. We buy more computers, a printer, some office materials. We organize professional workshops for our volunteers (first aid, burnout prevention, working with a kid in crisis). Once a month we organize a weekend activity for families – educational, artistic and nature. We hire people to work for the space and thus give job to those, who need it the most.

Support by donation

👉 Official crowdfounding (Polish): https://zrzutka.pl/x4gyb2/

👉 Just bank account (IBAN): PL76 1140 2017 0000 4102 1288 5005

👉 PayPal