Kurs budowy i działań na niskim parku linowym LRC 2018

Już po raz piąty mamy zaszczyt organizować jedyny w Polsce kurs budowy i działań na niskim parku linowym z egzaminem na certyfikat ERCA. W tym roku będzie to edycja niezwykła, ponieważ kurs będzie realizowany w ramach projektu “From thought to knot” – low ropes course for education” , w grupie międzynarodowej i koncentrować się będzie na możliwościach wykorzystania niskiego parku linowego do pracy z młodzieżą. Kurs jest dofinansowany ze środków programu Erasmus+, a w jego efekcie przyszli instruktorzy będą realizowali warsztaty w całej Europie. Kurs jest efektem współpracy naszej organizacji z innymi zrzeszonymi w sieci Outdoors as a tool.

Możliwość wzięcia udziału w kursie mają członkowie organizacji partnerskich:

  • Polska: Fundacja Pracownia Nauki i
  • Rumunia: Asociatia Economeq
  • Włochy: S.S.D. ar.l. L’Orma
  • Łotwa: Biedriba Piedzivojuma Gars
  • Szwecja: Brevikstiftelsen
  • Niemcy: KEJ Kompetenzzentrum
    Erlebnispädagogik und Jugendarbeit
  • Holandia: Stichting Buitendoor

Osoby z poza oragnizacji partnerskich, które chciałyby włączyć się w ich działania i wziąć udział w kursie mogą być wpisane na listę rezerwową. Istnieje również możliwość zorganizowania kursu dedykowanego dla grupy zorganizowanej (trwa on wtedy 4 dni). Szczegółowych informacji dotyczących szkoleń z niskim parkiem linowym udziela Aga Leśny (aga.lesny@naukaprzygoda.edu.pl, 501 783 923).

Zapisy na edycję 2018 znajdują się na stronie: http://outdoorsasatool.com/from-thought-to-knot-low-ropes-course-for-education/

Skrót informacji o projekcie poniżej:

Training course will be held from 3rd to 9th of September 2018 in Lubiatow, Lubuskie Voivodeship, Poland. Travel days are 2nd and 10th of September 2018.

 The training will include 20 participants from 7 partner countries: Poland, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Romania, Netherlands, Sweden.

“From thought to knot” project is a training course for youth workers and youth educators, coming from organisations interested in improving quality of their youth oriented activities in the field of core outdoor education methods, which low rope courses are. Main goal of the project is providing youth workers with qualifications essential for effective and safe use of a low rope course and other methods involving ropes, in context of educational activities in groups.

Whole course will be conducted according to experiential education principles. The participants will be engaged in conducting activities for youth.

The course consists of two parts: a certified training by standards of the European Ropes Courses Association along with the theoretical and practical examination and the introduction to the theory and practice of Experiential Education in a context of non-formaI education and youth work. Most activities during the course will be held outdoors with the active participation of participants.

Program provides introduction to the Experiential Education, introduction in rope static, load calculation, educational activities including working with groups, security on low ropes course, principles of construction and installation of low-rope course, rope, knots, legal aspects, practical methods, to be a trainer, how to work with a group with LRC

Participants will also receive widely recognised ERCA certification for Low Rope Course Instructor (after passing exam) and Youthpass certificate.


 age of participants: over 18 years. (we advise to select participants between 21 and 40, because of intense physical program in difficult conditions);

  • participants limit: 3 persons per country
  • English knowledge (training course and exam will be held in English)

Trainers – you have to meet them!

  • Daniel Dammier (KEJ, e.V, Actionworx, Germany) – qualified Social Pedagogie, working for over 14 years as an instructor. He has built a lot of high and low rope courses. He has broad experience in international cooperation e.g. in lndia, Cyprus, lsrael, Poland. He is ERCA certified Train the Train lnstructor, Learning Therapist.
  • Bastian Kaspert (KEJ, e.V Actionworx, Germany) – Social Pedagogie , Bachelor of Arts, ERCA Certified Ropes Course Trainer, Fisat Level 1 Industrial Climber Working since 11 Years as lnstructor.
  • Aga Leśny (Manufactire of Science and Adventure) – pedagogue and anthropologist, ERCA instructor trained. Promoter of ideas and methods of Experiential Education in Poland, the founder of the Manufacture of Science and Adventure. Working as a trainer using low ropes course to work with children, adults and people with disabilities.

European Row Course Association (ERCA) certification:
Participants will be awarded with ERCA Low Ropes Course Instructor certificate (only for those who successfully pass exam at the end of the training)

 Training course fee: 75 EUR
o will be deducted from travel costs (in case travel costs are smaller than 75 EUR – paid in cash during TC)

The rest of a cost is paid from Erasmus+ found

Travel costs reimbursement:
– will be done by transfer after fulfilling project obligation.
– travel costs reimbursement will be done via transfer according to exchange rate (EUR to PLN) given by Polish National Agency, as effect participants may get slightly different amount that they will have on tickets (applied only for tickets in EUR)

Travel costs limit:
 Italy – 275,00 EUR per person
 Sweden – 275,00 EUR per person
 Germany – 275,00 EUR per person
 Latvia – 275,00 EUR per person
 Romania – 275,00 EUR per person
 Netherlands – 275,00 EUR per person
 Poland – 80,00 EUR per person

Dissemination project task:
o realizing workshop with low ropes elements for youth in home country of participants.

Application form for participants:
(we invite participants from partners organization)

Deadline for participants:
o 31.07.2018

 Deadline for buying tickets:
o 06.08.2018


 Participant will be accommodated in 3 person room/houses with bathroom. Workshop place is located in the same area. Area around accommodation place is safe, with forest and lake around.

Venue name and address:


Ośrodek Szkoleniowo Wypoczynkowy Master, Sławska 1a 67-410 Lubiatów

Venue does NOT provide towels!!!

 Travel information:
Nearest airports are located in Poznan and Wroclaw (Poland), as well Berlin (Germany).
Please make sure that you arrived to the venue not later than 10.00 PM 2nd of September and leaving not earlier than 8.00 AM 10th of September. If you will arrive to any other destination than Krakow, please add more time for local transportation.