Przekazujemy zaproszenie na kolejną edycję europejskiego zjazdu organizacji i praktyków zajmujących się Adventure Therapy.
GATE 2019 – July, 24-27

Come and join us in Schwangau, Germany. This is your opportunity to experience the European Network of Adventure Therapy in its full dimension:
GATE provides a platform to gather practitioners, organizations, researchers and people interested in the field of Adventure Therapy. The program will be a colorful mosaic of keynote talks, workshops, roundtables and lots of opportunities to get to know each other, get inspired and celebrate together.
Common Ground
What is our common understanding of Adventure Therapy? Where are differences or even opposite opinions? What makes a program therapeutic? And who can be an Adventure Therapist?
As a multi-lingual, multi-cultural and multi-professional community there is a lot to discover. This year’s focus is on looking for the common ground we share. It is not meant to be an endless theoretical discussion, but a thorough investigation through experiential workshops, multi-professional forums and conversations about what we all share. Adventure Therapy is still young, often unknown in Europe – there is a need for explanation, definition, distinction. We are shaping the picture, right now.
You are welcome to contribute to the GATE by holding an experiential workshop or presenting your research or concept in one of the forums.
The preparations are running and you can find all further information about the location, the program, keynote speakers here.
Sign-Up is opening on December 1st, 2018. So be sure to get your ticket before February 28, 2019 to catch the early bird discount.