2 miesięczny staż w Holandii w ogranizacji outdoorowej

Chciałabyś/chciałbyś dobrze poznać zasady działania dużej, prężnej organizacji outdoorowej? Wziąć udział w szeregu obozów, szkoleń, programów dla dzieci, młodzieży i dorosłych? Nauczyć się wspinaczki, wypraw rowerowych, kajaków? Podszkolić angielski?

Dołącz do programu wolontariackiego naszej fundacji i pojedź na taki właśnie staż!

Jak to wygląda? Przeczytaj relację Aleksandry i Ewy >>>

Co, gdzie, kiedy?

On behalf of the Outdoors as a Tool network, Stichting Buitendoor from the Netherlands is organizing an international traineeship project under the Solidarity Corps Program. This project is a 2 month during program, where you walk in the shoes of our volunteers. We think that most of us understand the power of outdoors and nature as tools in youth work and the development of people. During 2 months you will learn how we as organization work and you will learn about group dynamics, communication, management and facilitation. Besides learning all these things, you join several school camps in the Netherlands or in the Belgian Ardennes, as an instructor to put it into practice.


Experiencing how to work in Stichting Buitendoor and learn about working methods, communication, management and facilitation. And besides that you will get to know many new and nice people ☺.


People that work with youth/outdoors and have some experience with leading groups. Since all our volunteers are 18+ we are looking for people who are above this age, up to 30 years old.


– 17th of August untill the 13th of October 2019.

– The Netherlands (office in Utrecht, Campsite in Nunspeet and programs all over the country and in the Belgium Ardennes).

– 4 trainee’s in total from different countries.

Chcesz wiedzieć więcej? Napisz do nas: pracownia@naukaprzygoda.edu.pl