Chciałabyś/chciałbyś dobrze poznać zasady działania dużej, prężnej organizacji outdoorowej? Wziąć udział w szeregu obozów, szkoleń, programów dla dzieci, młodzieży i dorosłych? Nauczyć się wspinaczki, wypraw rowerowych, kajaków? Podszkolić angielski?
Dołącz do programu wolontariackiego naszej fundacji i pojedź na taki właśnie staż do naszej partnerskiej organizacji – Buitendoor!
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Co, gdzie, kiedy?
Stichting Buitendoor organises an international traineeship as part of the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) initiative. This 2 month programme gives you the opportunity to learn within an international environment, as you walk in the shoes of our local volunteers and fully participate in our programmes. During the traineeship, you will not only learn how Buitendoor works as an organisation, but also receive training about group dynamics, teambuilding, communication, management and facilitation. We use the power of outdoors and nature as tools in youth work and the development of people. Experiential learning is Buitendoor’s main learning style, so you will join several school camps in the Netherlands and in the Belgian Ardennes to put theory into practice as an instructor. And of course you will get to know many new and nice people!
We are looking for 4 enthusiasts (aged 18 30) from the ESC Participating Countries , preferably experienced in working with youngsters/outdoors and leading groups. The programme lasts for a minimum of sixty days from August 13 th until October 13 th (approximately). Together, we will make a programme that suits your personal learning goals. In weekends, you are free to explore the Netherlands. Regarding accommodation , you can stay at our campsite, with our volunteers or at other locations where we organise our activities. You will often sleep in tents (which we can provide). Designated Buitendoor contacts will support the group throughout the traineeship. All traineeship related travel costs will be covered, as well as food and drinks during activities. Free time activities are at your own expense, but you will receive some pocket money.