Fear(less) – kurs o lęku, strachu i ryzyku w outdoor education

Fear(less)  to kurs będący wynikiem współpracy organizacji zrzeszonych w sieci Outdoors as a tool. To niezwykłe wyzwanie dla tych, którzy chcą rozwijać się w nurcie pedagogiki przygody poprzez rozwój wewnętrzny.

Kurs będzie miał miejsce na Łotwie, w dniach 13-21 sierpnia 2018. Kurs finansowany jest ze środków programu Erasmus+. Obowiązuje wpisowe 50 euro. Zwrot kosztów podróży nastąpi po wywiązaniu się z zadań kursowych.

Więcej informacji poniżej, oraz na stronie projektu: http://www.piedzivojumagars.lv/fearless.html

„What do you do when confronted by fear? Do you expose yourself to it or do you avoid it? Do you overcome the uncomfortable short-term feeling it brings to be exposed or do you turn your back to it and eventually put yourself in a prison of avoidance? As a youth worker, do you ever notice how you project your own fears to the young people you are working with, thus taking the learning away from them?​

Fear less

Courage doesn’t mean that you aren’t afraid. Fearless means just that – Fear less. Acknowledge that you are frightened, and take action anyway! Face your anxiety and go beyond the boundaries of your limited perceptions of yourself.

Fear(less) is a training course on discovering how overcoming our limits can bring powerful learning outcomes. Our goal is to empower youth workers, youth leaders and educators to become better leaders of their communities by mastering self-confidence, and to educate them on non-formal education programs based on overcoming fears.

Our main methods used include high-rope activities, living in tribes, guided awareness practices, body movement and dance performances, physical challenges, public speaking and spending time alone with no outside distractions – all of them (and much more!) put together to create a rich, diverse arena for personal discoveries and releasing what no longer serves you.​

This is for you

If you are a youth worker, you are a light bearer for others. Through your example, people find and act on their truth.
Join this training course, if you are:

– actively working as a youth worker, youth leader or educator,
– working with social inclusion and personal development,
– interested in experiential education and willing to implement its methods in your youth work,
– wanting to develop yourself personally and professionally by taking part in an intense program,
– looking for ways to improve the programs you deliver and adjust them specifically to the needs of your target group,
– willing to confront your own fears and help others do the same,
– have a need of overcoming / helping your target group to overcome a fear that is an obstacle for living a fulfilled life,
– devoted to fully participate in all the activities of Fear(less) and implement the follow-up phase,
– open for challenging surprises and unexpected turns in the program, which we use as a method in this training course,
– coming from Latvia, Sweden, Poland, Italy, Greece, Spain, Hungary, or Romania.