Jubileuszowa konferencja Institute of Outdoor Adventure Education and Experiential Learning (EOE)

Macie wolny wrzesień 2016? Świetnie się składa! Właśnie wtedy odbędzie się 15. jubileuszowe spotkanie Institute of Outdoor Adventure Education and Experiential Learning (EOE) w Salzburgu. Jest już strona i podstawowe informacje o wydarzeniu: >>>

Nasza fundacja jest członkiem instytutu, tym bardziej serdecznie zapraszamy na konferencję! Są już znane główne tematy spotkania:

We aim to address four issues that occupy us seriously. All these issues may be seen as a danger, and as a chance for development.

  1. Certification and regulation: In the context of professionalization of (further) education, diploma, accreditations, MSc and so on are getting more and more important. Do certifications really improve the quality of work, reduce risks and enhance educational and therapeutic processes? Do they really fulfil what they are promising for the target groups?
  2. Economisation: The economic crises don´t stop in the face of education. The Pisa shock still leads to quick, unconscious and reflex reaction of the policy in order to “optimize” education. The focus changed from “Bildung” to learning outcomes. Education was made measurable –  first regarding the competences of children, later on regarding the competences of teachers, hoping that both are substantially linked. Is evaluation the beginning of more transparency of working results, or the end of education, joy and happiness that are crucially linked to learning and emotional liveliness?
  3. Didactisation: Educational engagement starts with powerful ideas and visions, personal enthusiasm and a strong relationship to people we work with. Bringing those ideas forward we reflect our work on learning theories and developmental concepts, and try to make them applicable. With the focus on economisation and professionalization methods get more and more standardized and uniformed. So nothing can go wrong – except education and development?!
  4. Consultancy: The more problems a society seems to have the more assistance systems are established to solve them. Division of labour and distribution of tasks leads to an over- coaching of people in many life circumstances. Is outdoor adventure education also following this trend embarrassing children in their experimental learning by educating them how to do this?

The seminar wants to bring up those issues by critical reflexions of theories (keynotes), projects, conceptual considerations and practical work (workshops) in the fields of early education, school, youth work, adult and higher education as well as therapy.